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Case Study

AGM Technologies

Big Data Telematics IoT Business Intelligence

A powerful, scalable cloud-based telematics platform.

How AGM Technologies monitors over 20,000 vehicles to keep roads safer

How AGM Technologies cut insurance costs for young drivers

AGM Technologies makes an accessible, easy-to-install telematics device and corresponding mobile app for car insurance providers.

It's a fantastic idea: monitor the drivers who are statistically most likely to drive recklessly, and offer a financial incentive (in the form of reduced insurance costs) for safer driving.

But implementing the technology would take a team of experts. Alongside F12 Consulting, AGM Technologies has been able to:

       Actively monitor over 20,000 vehicles.

       Slash their monthly AWS bills by 80%.

       Maintain near-constant uptime for their global clients

The story of AGM Technologies

Usage-based car insurance (AKA telematics-based, or black-box insurance) can bring down premiums for young or inexperienced drivers, by monitoring their driving style to encourage safer driving.

When you think about telematics-based car insurance, you might picture a big, expensive device, that has to be professionally installed. Or you might think of a standalone mobile app — that surely can’t give you accurate driver data.

But AGM Technologies changed the game.

They produce a lightweight telematics device that insurers across the globe send out to drivers in the post. Drivers just stick it on their window, pair it with their phone, and drive away. Their telematics data is then sent back to the insurer to monitor driver behaviour.

With an inbuilt GPS and accelerometer, the device accurately captures driver behaviour, journey, and collision data. It tethers to the driver's smartphone via Bluetooth to transmit driver data to a cloud-based platform which receives, stores and analyses the data.

The challenge of building on an existing system

The technology behind the devices was originally designed and built by two members of the F12 Consulting team.

Strengthening a complex telematics system (with live customers) would present a unique challenge: How could AGM Technologies quickly understand the system, continue to build the platform, and expand the user base — all while keeping it running smoothly for existing customers?

A unique challenge calls for a unique solution. That’s where we stepped in.

Why AGM Technologies chose F12 Consulting

From day one of AGM Technologies, the telematics system was already in place and running.

Instead of spending months in discovery, we had the expertise in place to hit the ground running. Our team not only had a breadth of knowledge and experience developing telematics systems, we literally had a hand in building this one.

We knew the system from the inside out, and could immediately jump in to strengthen the existing system, extend its features and functionality, and deliver ongoing support.

How F12 Consulting responded

Quite simply: we built on the features that made AGM Technologies’ devices a success.

We expanded the platform’s capabilities. Insurers can generate crash reports, and view journeys and events (such as hard acceleration, braking, cornering and speeding) at scale. They can quickly calculate driver scores for a particular vehicle, or monitor driver behaviour across a unit of vehicles.

AGM Technologies’ clients can quickly and easily push firmware and configuration updates, reboot or recalibrate devices, and activate or deactivate device SIMs remotely through the platform. They can also manage users within the platform, with the ability to add privileges, restrict access to information, or view an audit history of commands.

The results

The results speak for themselves.

Since we started managing AGM Technologies’ entire cloud-based platform in 2020, we’ve:

       Developed and integrated new products into the system, growing the platform capabilities to actively monitor over 20,000 vehicles and process billions of events

       Provided business intelligence leading to efficiency optimisations, including cutting monthly AWS bills by 80%

       Maintained near-constant uptime for AGM Technologies’ global clients with 99.9% platform availability

Ultimately, we’ve seen fewer road accidents and reduced insurance costs for young drivers among monitored fleets.

George Michael, Operations Director at AGM Technologies, said: “Track Metrics has enabled AGM Technologies to successfully launch and support our pioneering telematics solution. Their punctuality and high-quality work is a testament to how they operate as a successful and efficient business, with software development skills in abundance. We hope to have a long-lasting relationship with them.”

AGM Technologies had a product the insurance industry was crying out for: an affordable, accessible, accurate way to measure driver behaviour. We’ve been able to help them scale that product developing the features, providing business intelligence, and using our insider knowledge. Ready to scale your telematics product? Contact tktk.

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